
The northern plains

  India: Northern Plains India: Northern Plains   The vast plains of India are called the most fertile and densely populated terrain of the world.  This plain is completely different from peninsular India to peninsular India.  This is the latest plot built after the creation of the Himalayas, which was the major portion (geographically a division) of the Indus-Ganga-Brahmaputra, which was separated after the India-Pakistan partition.  Much of the Indus River plain in the west and most of the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta in the east is separated from present-day India.  This is the reason why the rest of the plain is referred to as the vast plain of India, which consists of the Sutlej and Vyas plains.  This ground has also been referred to as the Vishal Maidan by many Indian scholars.   The area of ​​this vast plain is 7 lakh square kilometers.  Its length in the east to west direction is about 2,400 kilometers.  It is lower in width from wes...

Panjab plains

  A state in the lap of rivers - Punjab                                                                                                             Sanjeev sir   Submitted by english  Tue, 25/01/2021 - 8:00  Source: Source, January 2021   Rivers have great importance in our life.  People living on the banks of rivers take various benefits from them  Village situated by the river.  River in the plains .   You will know that rivers come out of the mountains.  There the river flows very fast through deep rocky valleys.  But when she lands in the ground, her nature changes.  She widens and her flow also slows ..down.  The sand and soil that flows with wate...

Ministry of agriculture

 dian Council of Agricultural Research  (Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare)  picture  main page  COVID-19 "  Kovid-19: Test  Kovid-19: Advice  Bulletin board "  Circular  Tenders  right to information Act  Publication »  DARE / ICAR  Report  Publication catalog  Free ICAR e-journals  Hindi magazines »  farming  Fruit and flower  E books  Official language magazines  News Letter »  ICAR News  ICAR Reporter  Contact us  contact persons  Webmail  KM Portal »  Telephone portal  E-transaction  Service portal  media coverage "  Press clipping  Search form Search  'International Seminar on Climate Smart Farming System' inaugurated  December 11, 2019, New Delhi  Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, Director General (ICAR) and Secretary (Department of Agricultural Research and Education) today at BIMSTEC (Bay of Ben...

Border between India and China

     Border between india and china                             sanjee sir  Contents [hide]  What happened to 0.1?  0.2 Where is Naku La?  0.3 Pangong So  1 Border dispute between India and China  1.1 Western Region  1.2 Aksai China  1.3 Central Zone  1.4 Eastern Region  1.5 Attempts to resolve border dispute    Recently, there was a fight between the Indian and Chinese soldiers on the Line of Actual Control - LAC in which an Indian military officer punched a Chinese soldier.  Later the case was resolved by mediation.    What happened  These incidents took place in the disputed site located in Naku La area and near the Pangong Tso lake of Ladakh.  Describing these incidents as a momentary skirmish, the army informed that the fights were resolved by the local commanders through negotiations and flag meetings as per the ...

India international relations

 Of Indian internal relations   It is time to reevaluate the forgotten history of the origin, purpose and presence of internal relations (IR) in South Asia.]    India and International Relations   The  What does 'Indian outlook on internal affairs' mean?  Indian internal relations (IR) are generally considered to have stemmed from Western learning traditions in Europe and North America.  This view expresses the broad work of political science and internal thought that emerged during the 20th century among South Asian intellectuals, scholars, and activists.  The time has come to reevaluate the forgotten history of the origin, purpose and presence of IR in South Asia.  In this, it comes to the teaching tradition that broadens the scope of IR, and exposes the rival global view of colonialism against colonialism and lays the foundation of independent Indian foreign policy.  Contemporary scholars and with Indian internal relations should...

The international knowledge

 भारतीय आंतरिक संबंध का  दक्षिण एशिया में आंतरिक संबंधों (आईआर) की उत्पत्ति, उद्देश्य और मौजूदगी के भुला दिए गए इतिहास के पुनर्मूल्यांकन का समय गया है।]   भारत और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संबंध  ? आंतरिक मामलों पर भारतीय दृष्टिकोण 'का क्या मतलब है?  भारतीय आंतरिक संबंधों (आईआर) को यूरोप और उत्तरी अमेरिका में आम तौर पर पश्चिमी शिक्षण परंपरा से उपजा हुआ माना जाता है।  यह विचार दक्षिण एशियाई बुद्धिजीवियों, विद्वानों और कार्यकर्ताओं के बीच 20 वीं शताब्दी के दौरान उभरे राजनीति विज्ञान और आंतरिक विचारों के व्यापक कार्य को व्यक्त करता है।  दक्षिण एशिया में आईआर की उत्पत्ति, उद्देश्य और मौजूदगी के भुला दिए गए इतिहास के पुनर्मूल्यांकन का समय आ गया है।  इसमें वह शिक्षण परंपरा के सामने आती है जो आईआर के दायरे को व्यापक करती है, और उपनिवेश के बरक्स उपनिवेश प्रतिद्वंद्वी वैश्विक दृष्टिकोण को सामने लाती है और स्वतंत्र भारतीय विदेश नीति की आधारशिला रखती है।  समकालीन विद्वानों और भारतीय आंतरिक संबंधों के साथ को इस बात पर ध्यान देना चाहिए।  परिचय  “भारत से बा...