islands of india
Islands of india Date 24/01/21 अधिक जानकारी के लिए कमेंट करे Geography of India Geography General Studies पब्लिश्ड बाय संजीव सर India's There are many islands in the west in the Aramb Sagar and in the east in the Bay of Bengal. The islands of the Bay of Bengal are much larger than the islands of the Arabian Sea. In fact, the reason for this is the formation of the islands of the Arabian Sea from the deposits of the coral and the islands of the Bay of Bengal are formed from the peaks of the sea mountains. The islands near the coast are mostly found in the Ganges delta. Sagar Island 24 km near Hooghly. Is long. Short Island and Wheeler Island are located at the mouth of the river in the Mahanadi-Brahmani delta. Bhasara-Mandla is a rocky island located to the northwest of Chilka Lake. Crocodi...